Date of Award

Spring 5-2016

Degree Type

Honors College Thesis


Speech and Hearing Sciences

First Advisor

Kimberly Ward

Advisor Department

Speech and Hearing Sciences


The AzBio Sentence Test was developed as a measure of speech perception abilities and intended to be more reliable and closer to real life conditions than the previous speech perception measures commonly used. The purpose of speech perception measures is to partially determine cochlear implant candidacy as well as pre- and post-outcomes of cochlear implantation. The AzBio Sentence test is composed of 15 lists of 20 sentences each. There is limited research conducted on the equivalency of each of these lists. Of the previous limited reasearch conducted, one study found that only 10 of the 15 lists were equivalent. The authors proposed the 15 lists included in the test were not equivalent. To evaluate the list equivalency, this study examined listening abilities of 30 normal hearing subjects in quiet and a difficult noise condition. Results from this study found that these lists are in fact not equivalent.
