
Theses from 2018


Creating Renewable Energy through the Pairing of Wastewater Remediation and Biofuel Production with Two Species of Microalgae, Laura Brown


Identifying Overwash Deposits in Arid Environments: Towards a Millennial-Scale Record of Cyclones and Makran Trench Tsunamis from Sur Lagoon, Oman, Anne Griffis

Theses from 2017


The Utility of Foraminifera in Documenting Sediment Provenance for Overwash Deposits: A Case Study Using Sediments Deposited by Tropical Cyclone Pam In Vanuatu, Thomas Kosciuch

Theses from 2016


Determining the Viability of Recent Storms as Modern Analogues for North-Central Gulf of Mexico Paleotempestology Through Sedimentary Analysis and Storm Surge Reconstruction, Joshua Caleb Bregy


Modern Fair-Weather and Storm Sediment Transport Around Ship Island, Mississippi: Implications for Coastal Habitats and Restoration Efforts, Eve Rettew Eisemann

Theses from 2015


Marine Snow Settling Velocities at an Oil Spill Site and a Control Site in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Clayton Hugh Dike


The Distribution of Dissolved Barium Along the U.S. Geotraces North Atlantic Transect: Impact of Biogeochemical Processes, Circulation and Phase Association, Karen Renee Grissom


A Statistical Model for the Prediction of Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics and the Potential for Hypoxia in the Mississippi Sound and Bight, Andreas Moshogianis

Theses from 2014


Assemblage Comparisons of Living Benthic Foraminifera at Bathyal Sites Oiled and Un-Oiled by the Deepwater Horizon Blowout in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Valerie Joanna Cruz


Effects of Selective Grazing by Microzooplankton on Phytoplankton Composition in a Subtropical Estuary, Amanda Marie McGehee


Methane Dynamics in St. Louis Bay, Mississippi, Hannah Marie Roberts


Exploration of Biophysical Interactions Associated with Mesoscale Variability in the Central Gulf of Mexico, Katharine Celeste Woodard

Theses from 2013


Primary Productivity Distributions Along the River-Dominated Shoreline of the Bay of St. Louis, MS Estuary, Adam Douglas Boyette

Theses from 2012


Bacterioplankton Production in the Western Mississippi Sound and the Role of Photosynthetic Extracellular Release as a Driver of Bacterial Production, Amy Michele Glover


Mode Water in the Sea of Japan: A Study on the Reproducibility of Mode Water in the Data-Assimilating Regional Navy Coastal Ocean Model, Lea Kristen Locke


Spatial and Temporal Variability of Particulate and Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Absorption in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Ashley Ann Lojek


Phase Speciation of Carbohydrates and Dioxins in Rivers and Coastal Waters in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Kusumica Mitra


Anode Material Testing for Marine Sediment Microbial Fuel Cells, Andrew John Quaid


Comparison of the Observed Mixe Layer Depth in the Lee of the Hawaiian Island to the Modeled Mixed Layer Depth of the Regional Navy Coastal Ocean Model, Jeffery Todd Rayburn


Factors Influencing the Spatial and Temporal Distrubtion of Primary Productivity and Community Respiration in the Mississippi Coastal Estuarine Region, Ryan Anthony Vandermeulen

Theses from 2011


An Analytical Study of Air-Sea CO2 Gas Exchange in the Northwest Mississippi Bight Region, Andrea Kathryn Braatz


Temporal and Spatial Variability of Phytoplankton Biomass in Coastal Mississippi Waters, Lorin Matthew Dornback


The Use of Computed Tomography to Measure Biogenic Structures in Recently Hypoxic and Normoxic Sediments on the Louisiana Continental Shelf, Valerie Ann Hartman


Phytoplankton Abundance and Species Composition in Relation to Environmental Paramenters in Coastal Mississippi Waters, Luz Karime Molina


Quantifying Rates of Autocompaction in the Pearl River Marsh, Louisiana, Jeremiah Nicholas Prouhet


Measuring and Comparing Quantum Yield in Two Species of Marine Diatoms Subjected to Constant and Fluctuating Light Conditions, Matthew Leon Stone

Theses from 2010


Explaining the Variability of Free-Living and Attached Bacterioplankton Abundances in the Bay of St. Louis, Mississippi, Allison K. Mojzis

Theses from 1989


Behavioral Determination of a Geomagnetic Senstivity in the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus (Cetacea, Onotoceti), Alene A. Minchew