Date of Award


Degree Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ocean Science and Engineering

Committee Chair

Dr. Robert Leaf

Committee Chair School

Ocean Science and Engineering

Committee Member 2

Dr. Mark Peterson

Committee Member 2 School

Ocean Science and Engineering

Committee Member 3

Dr. Wei Wu

Committee Member 3 School

Ocean Science and Engineering

Committee Member 4

Dr. Michael Andres

Committee Member 4 School

Ocean Science and Engineering


Quantitative stock assessments for Mississippi’s Spotted Seatrout use length-, age-, and sex-composition data from fishery-independent sources as proxies to estimate biostatistical characteristics of fisheries harvests due to lack of sector-specific data. In Chapter 2, I examined the age, length, and sex composition of Spotted Seatrout from three fishery-dependent sectors. Between April and December 2023, I collected 210 fish (n = 19, 124, and 67 from private, charter, and commercial sectors, respectively). The length ranged between 373-535mm, 285-523mm, and 345-568mm TL, with mean ± SD lengths of 453 ± 51mm, 393 ± 57mm, and 442 ± 53mm TL, respectively. Age ranged from 1-5yrs in private and charter and 2-5yrs in commercial, and predominantly 1 and 3yrs in private, 2yrs in charter, and 3yrs in commercial. Mostly, females were captured, with female-to-male sex ratios of 3.7:1, 5.7:1, and 1.9:1 in private, charter, and commercial sectors, respectively. Results highlighted the need for sector-specific age, length, and sex composition in stock assessments. Additionally, I investigated the use of fish carcasses, which may introduce biases such as shrinkage on length and mass loss. In Chapter 3, I examined the impact of freezing and thawing on carcasses collected from April to October 2023. Percent changes in mm TL, mm SL, and g W had means of -0.1%, -0.63%, and -5.42%, respectively. Results indicated that mm TL was unaffected by freezing, while mm SL and g W were significantly affected, suggesting caution in using frozen fish data in stock assessments.
