Comparison of Perceived Burdensomeness, Thwarted Belongingness, Capability for Suicide, and Suicidal Ideation Among Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Individuals in Mississippi

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This study sought to compare risk factors for suicidal ideation among heterosexual and sexual minority college students from a previously understudied conservative region of the United States. Suicidal ideation, thwarted belongingness (TB), perceived burdensomeness (PB), and capability for suicide were examined. It was found that PB was significantly higher among sexual minorities than heterosexual individuals, TB and capability were not significantly different, and suicidal ideation was not significantly different when controlling for depression but was significant when depression was not a covariate. Additionally, among sexual minorities and heterosexuals, TB and PB were correlated with ideation and that the strength of the relationship between PB and ideation was dependent on how much TB the individual is experiencing. Sexual minorities, when compared to heterosexual individuals, do not have higher TB or capability, but do have higher levels of PB and suicidal ideation.

Publication Title

Archives of Suicide Research

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