

High-quality teachers are essential to building a strong educational system, with digital teaching literacy being crucial to their professional development. This study, informed by a review of existing research, addressed the need for enhancing the digital teaching literacy among primary and secondary school teachers. Utilizing the MOOC construction concept (Concept), MOOC teaching content (Content), and MOOC design and development (Development)CCD model and the large-scale capabilities of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), this study developed the M-PRAE model, which encompasses five components: building a MOOC, clarifying improvement problems, supplying digital and non-digital resources, implementing collaborative activities, and conducting multi-dimensional evidence-based evaluations. The M-PRAE model facilitated the development of the “Innovative Application of Digital Teaching” MOOC, which was subsequently implemented with over 2,000 primary and secondary school teachers in Guangdong Province, China, to assess its effectiveness. The results indicate that the M-PRAE model effectively enhances digital teaching literacy among primary and secondary school teachers on a large and contributes to the innovative development of basic education.

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Ethics Approval

Not Applicable

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