Date of Award

Spring 5-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education

Committee Chair

David Daves

Committee Chair Department

Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education

Committee Member 2

James T. Johnson

Committee Member 2 Department

Educational Studies and Research

Committee Member 3

Rose Jones

Committee Member 3 Department

Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education

Committee Member 4

Jon Beedle

Committee Member 4 Department

Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education


This study examined the factors influencing parental selection of homeschooling approaches for their children and the utilization of technology integrated. Factors explored were parental motivators for selecting homeschooling approaches, parental reasons for choosing to homeschooling, technology device usage, and instructional technology integration. The population consisted of parents with at least one year or more of experience in teaching homeschooling and the primary educator being involved in answering the survey. Participants in this study responded to items from a researcher-adapted questionnaire using. The majority of the participants were from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Kentucky. A Bachelor's degree was reported as the highest education attainment. The highest average household income indicated was $70,000-$100,000 and Christianity, including Protestant and Catholic, was the preferred religion reported. Classical education was the highest in the child's performance of the suggested homeschooling approaches. Cooperative schooling, computer-based schooling and traditional school at home were identified in this order as the next most performed homeschooling approaches. The main three chosen parental reasons for chosen homeschooling are religion and moral instruction, values, and school environment concern. The researcher identified the laptop, desktop and smartphone as the most used technology devices with the iPod being used the least. Lastly, conducting research, learning or practicing drill skills and performing calculations were the most frequently used technology activities. Partial statistical, significant correlations were found between parents’ select homeschooling approaches and parents reason for homeschooling, usage of technology devices and instructional technology activities. Implications are described for homeschooling parents and higher education personnel. Future research concepts, including particular attention to age groups, homeschooling groups and technology are recommended.
