Date of Award

Spring 5-2007

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Committee Chair

Dr. Jennifer Shank

Committee Chair Department


Committee Member 2

Dr. Charles Elliott

Committee Member 2 Department


Committee Member 3

Dr. Christopher Goertzen

Committee Member 3 Department


Committee Member 4

Dr. Joseph Brumbeloe

Committee Member 4 Department


Committee Member 5

Dr. Jay Dean

Committee Member 5 Department



The purpose o f this study was to analyze the relationship o f selected characteristics o f Mississippi high school band directors, teaching practices, school, students, and band administration to their average State Band Festival ratings from years 2003 through 2006. The characteristic selected to be studied were divided into five categories: (a) Band Director Background, (b) Concert Band Teaching Practices, (c) Marching Band Teaching Practices, (d) School and Student Data, and (e) Band Administration.

Initially, the study consisted o f 126 characteristics or predictor variables. However, after using the Pearson product-moment correlation to determine which characteristics were significant predictors o f the dependent variables “average overall festival rating,” “average concert rating,” “average sight reading rating,” and “average marching rating,” the characteristics were reduced. The remaining significant characteristics were entered into multiple regression analyses to answer the following questions posed in this study: (1) which o f the subscale groups o f the characteristics selected to be studied is the most significant predictor o f the average overall festival rating group o f each band, (2) which combination of selected characteristics is the most significant predictor of the average overall festival rating group o f each band, (3) which combination o f the selected characteristics is the most significant predictor o f the average concert rating given to each band, (4) which combination o f the selected characteristics is the most significant predictor o f the average sight reading rating given to each band, and (5) which combination o f the selected characteristics is the most significant predictor of the average marching rating given to each band.

Based on the selected significant characteristics for question one, the stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed the subscale group “School and Student Data” was the most significant predictor (p< .01) o f the dependent variable “average overall festival rating.” Based on the selected significant characteristics for the remaining questions, the backward multiple regression analysis was used to determine the most significant predictors o f each dependent variable. The multiple regression analysis for question two produced eighteen models (p< .01), question three produced fifteen models (p< .01), question four produced seventeen models (p< .01), and question five produced 21 models (P< -01).
