Date of Award

Summer 8-2007

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Leadership and Research

Committee Chair

Dr. Wanda Maulding

Committee Member 2

Dr. Mary Nell McNeese

Committee Member 3

Dr. Michael Forster

Committee Member 4

Dr. Terrell Tisdale


This study focuses on the possible divergent views between administrators and faculty in the process of providing knowledge and skills with integration in field education for students of social work. This researcher sought to obtain factual data about the perceived advantages of varied delivery methods for field integrative seminar among social work administrators and faculty. The population surveyed in this study included 1,466 faculty and administrators who had taught face-to-face, online, and blended (hybrid mix of face-to-face and online methods) social work courses at Council on Social Work Education accredited schools of Social Work located in the states of Mississippi, Texas, California, New York, and Florida. The present analysis supports the literature in suggesting that online and blended hybrid delivery can be as useful as face-to-face in achievement. The conclusion derived from this research found that there were no significant differences associated with advantages in online learning, face-to-face, or blended hybrid courses delivered to social work students. Future research can look beyond the commonly accepted findings of no significant differences in advantages and achievement between varied delivery of courses to examine how technology can be useful for student learning.