Date of Award

Summer 8-2007

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Speech Communication

Committee Chair

Dr. Charles Tardy

Committee Member 2

Dr. Lawrence Hosman

Committee Member 3

Dr. John Meyer

Committee Member 4

Dr. Susan Siltanen


This study investigated the effects of disclosure on American college and university students’ experiences of intercultural reentry following a semester of study abroad.

Data were provided by twenty students returning from an overseas study program in France operated by The University of Southern Mississippi and consortium partners. Each experimental participant wrote four essays focusing on his or her cognitive and emotional experiences associated with reentry. The effects of disclosure were examined for improvements in reentry shock, identity confusion/distress, psychological and emotional distress, and interpersonal relationship problems. Participants’ essays were also analyzed to determine if beneficial progress occurred.

Limited support was found for the influence of disclosure. Some significant differences were found in positive and negative relationship changes, but these were not consistent with predictions. No significant differences were revealed by dependent variables measuring reentry shock, identity confusion, and psychological/emotional distress. However, reentry shock scores exhibited a trend in the expected direction, and exploratory analysis conducted on participants' essays likewise demonstrated some progress towards "closure" in students' thoughts and feelings about returning to the U.S. These findings suggested implications for future research and prompted recommendations for international education practitioners working with students returning from abroad.
