Date of Award

Fall 12-2007

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Leadership and Research

Committee Chair

Dr. Wanda Maulding

Committee Member 2

Dr. Kyna Shelley

Committee Member 3

Dr. David E. Lee

Committee Member 4

Dr. Marsha Walters


Standardized test scores do not completely determine the overall student success of a student. With this in mind, research has been conducted to find if emotional intelligence is relative to both the academic achievement and behavior of the students. Current research has shown a relationship between emotional intelligence and traditional school success measures of test scores and discipline referrals but is limited in its research among elementary school settings and whether or not emotional intelligence may be a relative factor in the Black-White achievement gap. This study helps to close the gap in the literature concerning the emotional intelligence of elementary school students and the relationship that emotional intelligence may have on the Black-White achievement gap.
