Date of Award

Fall 12-2007

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Human Performance and Recreation

Committee Chair

Dr. Trenton Gould

Committee Chair Department

Human Performance and Recreation

Committee Member 2

Dr. Nancy Speed

Committee Member 2 Department

Human Performance and Recreation

Committee Member 3

Dr. Timothy Scheett

Committee Member 3 Department

Human Performance and Recreation

Committee Member 4

Dr. Scott Pigland

Committee Member 5

Dr. Brent Wolfe


The sequential exploratory design used in this research identified constructs defining quality certified athletic trainers (ATC). The first portion was a qualitative study utilizing a Delphi technique to establish a grounded theory. Thirteen ATC's with at least 5 years experience (M: n = 8; F: n = 5) participated in the initial development of the Quality Affirmation Theory (QAT). The QAT depicts 5 sub-constructs that are essential in the establishment o f three higher order constructs that are requisite to being a quality ATC. Development o f the QAT established adjective descriptors o f quality ATCs used in the second portion o f the study. The QAT descriptors were quantitative assessed using the Quality Athletic Trainer Questionnaire (QATQ). The QATQ is comprised o f the Quality Athletic Trainer Scale (QATS) and the Quality Athletic Trainer Dilemmas (QATD). The QATS is a semantic differential contrasting adjectives. The QATD presented typical day scenarios in athletic training. The QATQ attempted to support the organization o f the 5 sub-constructs depicted in the QAT and if age, sex, years o f experience, and education level o f ATCs could predict participant agreement with the adjectives. Participants (N=301) were stratified across the NATA. Item-level factor analysis revealed an indeterminate structure o f the scores. Sub-construct factor analysis and internal consistency demonstrated a cohesive measure o f the construct quality. The independent variables did not predict summative scores o f the QATQ indicating that participants expressed attitudes favoring the positive adjective descriptors o f quality regardless o f age, sex, years o f experience, or educational level. This study is a starting point on development o f a global understanding o f a quality ATC. The study identified important aspects o f quality. Further assessment o f how these constructs will impact an athletic trainers ability to balance their professional lives with personal lives while providing quality care to patients is warranted.
