Date of Award

Fall 10-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Professional Nursing Practice

Committee Chair

Stephanie Parks

Committee Chair School

Professional Nursing Practice

Committee Member 2

Nina Mclain

Committee Member 2 School

Professional Nursing Practice


Active shooter incidents are increasing steadily and continue to pose a tremendous public safety problem, especially in the educational setting. In addition, the majority of faculty and students remain uncertain of exactly what actions to take if an active shooter event occurs on campus. The lack of education, awareness and policy drills can inadequately prepare students, faculty, and staff for an active shooter event. The recognition of this inadequacy has prompted further investigation by The University of Southern Mississippi’s (USM) Nurse Anesthesia Program as it relates to Asbury Hall. An anonymous survey was sent to current students enrolled in the Nurse Anesthesia Program to collect data regarding the student’s knowledge of USM’s active shooter protocol procedure.

The current nurse anesthesia students enrolled at USM voluntarily and anonymously participated in the survey regarding USM’s active shooter policy. Approximately 78 participants completed the survey questionnaire. The questionnaire results identified several areas of knowledge deficits regarding the current policy. Consistently, participants of the study had differing responses to questions about what to do during an active shooter scenario. Participants were unable to collectively agree on sequential, appropriate, and safe actions according to USM’s current active shooter policy. According to a review of literature, as this paper will demonstrate, the development of an effective presentation and deliverance of USM’s active shooter policy to new and current students can effectively enhance policy education and awareness to promote the public safety of the students and staff specific to Asbury Hall.
