Date of Award

Spring 5-2015

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Melanie Gilmore, PhD, FNP

Committee Chair Department


Committee Member 2

Bonnie L. Harbaugh, PhD, RN

Committee Member 2 Department


Committee Member 3

Patsy Anderson, DNS

Committee Member 3 Department



The Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) concept places the patient and family at the center of healthcare. The patient becomes actively involved in their own care. One aspect of PCMH is managing care and increasing chronic disease self-management. Diabetes, a chronic disease, is a leading diagnosis among the patients served by the federally qualified community health center (FQCHC). The prevalence of diabetes in Mississippi in 2012 was 12.3%. The purpose of this DNP Capstone project was to implement a pilot study to increase diabetes self-management knowledge. The program utilized the current technology of text messaging to send biweekly supportive and educational text messages over a four week period.

The level of patient knowledge was measured by a before and after implementation survey. Improving diabetes self-management will ultimately lead to improved compliance to the treatment plan while also improving self-management skills and education. The measures of improving diabetic self-management followed the 2014 Diabetes Clinical Practice Recommendations (Cefalu, 2014). To increase communication and improve relationships, the project was guided by the Relationship Based Care Theory and the Chronic Care Model. In an attempt to improve diabetic outcomes, measures of diabetic self-management were provided to patients through text messages. Communication provided through text messaging reminded patients to check blood sugar levels, provided diet recommendations, and provided exercise tips and suggestions. These communications provided a positive and proactive attitude toward diabetes self-management. By providing this information to patients through texting technology, the DNP Capstone Project measured if diabetes self-management skills improved or changed. By increasing the frequency of contact to the diabetic patients through text messages, the health care provider demonstrated an improved patient-provider relationship. The frequent communication will provide reassurance and encouragement to the diabetic patients and ultimately lead to improved diabetic self-management.
