"Gulf States Health Policy Center Community Research Fellows Mobile, AL" by Candace Bright and Braden Bagley

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 8-14-2017


Political Science, International Development, and International Affairs


The Gulf States Community Research Program (GSCRP) program took place in Mobile between January 10th, 2017 and May 9, 2017. This report reflects the implementation and evaluation of a community based participatory training (CBPR) program for this cohort of community members. The report provides data on the assessment of the program’s effectiveness in promoting the role of underserved populations in research by enhancing the capacity for CBPR. In assessing the social network development of the cohort, we seek to understand effectiveness in bridging many community roles to serve the purpose of addressing health disparities. Specifically, the report assesses if the Mobile GSCRP program has met its specific aim: To enhance community knowledge and understanding of research.
