
Thad Cochran Center 218

Start Date

29-4-2016 3:00 PM


Many libraries are searching for ways to align the IR with the university's strategic initiatives. For many, integrating with these larger campus priorities is a necessary step to building and maintaining a successful IR initiative. Drawing from the Digital Commons community of over 400 institutions, this session will share data and examples of crucial IR services and their impact on all corners of campus: faculty, students, centers and departments, and the institution as a whole.


Apr 29th, 3:00 PM

The Modern Repository: Aligning the Library with the University Mission

Thad Cochran Center 218

Many libraries are searching for ways to align the IR with the university's strategic initiatives. For many, integrating with these larger campus priorities is a necessary step to building and maintaining a successful IR initiative. Drawing from the Digital Commons community of over 400 institutions, this session will share data and examples of crucial IR services and their impact on all corners of campus: faculty, students, centers and departments, and the institution as a whole.