
Courtyard Marriott Meeting Room

Start Date

28-4-2016 5:50 PM


For my MLIS capstone project, I chose to survey researchers at The University of Southern Mississippi to gather as much information as possible pertaining to how they are managing research data according to federal grant guidelines in addition to gauging receptivity to library assistance. The survey replicates studies found in literature performed by other institutions. During the lightning talk, I will discuss the survey process, background literature and preliminary results.


Apr 28th, 5:50 PM

Research Data Curation Practices at Southern Miss

Courtyard Marriott Meeting Room

For my MLIS capstone project, I chose to survey researchers at The University of Southern Mississippi to gather as much information as possible pertaining to how they are managing research data according to federal grant guidelines in addition to gauging receptivity to library assistance. The survey replicates studies found in literature performed by other institutions. During the lightning talk, I will discuss the survey process, background literature and preliminary results.