Date of Award

Spring 2019

Degree Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, and Security

Committee Chair

Charles Scheer

Committee Chair School

Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, and Security

Committee Member 2

Lisa Nored

Committee Member 2 School

Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, and Security

Committee Member 3

Laura Gulledge

Committee Member 3 School

Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, and Security


In the field of criminal justice, much research has been dedicated to investigating policing in the 21stcentury. However, there is a lack of research regarding predictions of career preference among college students, more specifically, millennials. This study was designed to fill that gap in the literature by examining interests in police patrol careers. The methodology involved included multiple regression as a way to potentially predict career preference for a police investigator rather than a patrol officer. The results provided promising results for the overall understanding of career preference for millennials. This study also provided crucial discussions for policy implications and future research recommendations.
