Theses from 2018
Revisiting Magee: A Mississippian Mound Center Site, Nicholas Glass
From Dago to White: The Story of Sicilian Ethnic Evolution in New Orleans Amidst the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1905, H. Denise LoPresto Saucier
Theses from 2017
A Microdebitage Analysis of the Winterville Mounds Site (22WS500), Stephanie Leigh-Ann Guest
Austin (22TU549): Mississippian Emergence In the Northern Yazoo Basin, Elizabeth Kay Hunt
Lois Lenski, A Friend to Children: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of a Children's Book Author, Stephanie Evans Thomas
Theses from 2016
Being with Bees: An Anthropological Study on Human-Animal Relations in Southern Beekeeping, Kori Nadine Armstrong
Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Development of Upper Arm Musculoskeletal Stress Markers in Late Adolescents and Young Adults of Archaic and Mississippian Populations of Tennessee, Heather Marie Guzik
The Organization of Technology in the Pine Hills of Mississippi, Ronald W. Wise Jr.
Theses from 2015
Unsortable Wares: A Petrographic Analysis of Addis Temper from the Fatherland Site (22AD501), Adams County, Mississippi, David Benjamin Abbott Jr.
Paleopathology at the Shady Grove Site (22QU525): A Study of Health in the Upper Yazoo Basin During the Middle Mississippian Period, Christopher Brady Davis
Bioarchaeological Analysis of Oak View Landing (40Dr1): An Archaic Population in the Kentucky Lake Reservior, Katy D. Grant-McLemore
An Ethnography of Taste: Craft Beer Culture in Hattiesburg, Yingkun Hou
Burial Chronological Sequencing of the Colonial Maya Cemetery at Tipu, Belize Using Fluoride Ion Analysis, Nicole Musselwhite
Theses from 2014
The Effects of the Nat Turner Slave Revolt on the Health and Welfare of 19th-Century Slaves in Southeastern Virginia, Jeffrey Clifford Auerbach
A Paleopathological Analysis of the Moran French Colonial Cemetery, Jennifer Lynn Funkhouser
Did Money Matter? Interpreting the Effect of Displayed Wealth on Social Relations within an Enslaved Community, Matthew Clark Greer
Prehistoric Life on the Mississippi Coast: Chronology and Function of Ceramics from Three Shell Middens in the Grand Bay Estuary, Samuel Michael Huey
One Big Puzzle, Two Thousand Tiny Pieces: An Analysis of the Juvenile Remains from the Shady Grove Ossuary, Jaimie Arlene Ide
Selling Tradition: Impression Management and Draft Animal Agriculture of a Mississippi Farmstead, Matthew Corbin Lance
An Evaluation of Metric Methods of Race Differentiation in the Human Pelvic Girdle for the Application of Expert Witness Testimony, Laura Natalie Yurka
Theses from 2013
The Oaks: Interpretation and Analysis of the Support Structures of a 19th Century Urban Farmstead, Justin Dwayne Beavers
Analysis of Post-Cranial Traits for the Assessment of Biological Distance among Temporally Distinct New World Populations of African Descent, Claire Marie Dansereau
Settlement, Mobility, and the Organization of Technology at the Clark Lake Site (22SH535): A Small-Scale Woodland Settlement, Michelle Renee Hammond
Theses from 2012
Distant Neighbors: Negotiating Space and Urban Development in a Southern Mississippi Community, Kelly Jo Davila
A Place Like Home, Tabitha Denae Epperson
Cross-Cultural Contact on Ship Island, Mississippi: An Analysis of the French Warehouse Site Ceramic Assemblage from an Aboriginal and Engendered Perspective, Barbara Thedy Hester
German POWs, Biopolitics, & the Piney Woods: Using Foucault to Analyze Resistance at Camp Shelby's POW Camp During World War II, Patricia Lynn Miller-Beech
East of the Tracks: Grassroots Environmentalism in South Mississippi, Heather Kay Sanchez
Theses from 2011
The Relationship Between Salivary Cortisol Levels and Stressful Behaviors upon the Introduction of a New Exhibit Mate in Captive Black and Gold Howler Monkeys (Alouatta caraya) at the Hattiesburg Zoo, Cassie Mechelle Chandler
Ancestral Analysis of the French Colonial Moran Cemetery, Biloxi, Mississippi, Danielle Nicole Cook
The Deer Island Site (22HR500): Prehistoric Ceramics and Their Meaning on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Donald Louis Craig
Consequences of Contact: An Evaluation of Childhood Health Patterns Using Enamel Hypoplasias Among the Colonial Maya of Tipu, Amanda R. Harvey
Shady Grove Site (22QU525) Quitman County, Mississippi: Analysis of Demographics and Mortuary Practices, Stacy Ann Scott
Theses from 2010
Mississippian Feasting Strategies In the Lower Mississippi Valley: Archaeobotanical Analysis of Two Features From Winterville Mounds (22WS500), Diana Boney Flosenzier
Theses from 2008
Crazy or Hungry: Oral Accounts of Continuity and Change In a Mississippi Gulf Coast Commercial Fleet, Natalie Brooke Roberts Cruthirds
Theses from 2001
Poetry and the State: The Politics of Nabat Tradition in Kuwait, Abdullah Alajmi