Date of Award
Summer 2019
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Committee Chair
Bonnie C. Nicholson
Committee Chair School
Committee Member 2
Eric R. Dahlen
Committee Member 2 School
Committee Member 3
Melanie E. Leuty
Committee Member 3 School
Committee Member 4
Richard S. Mohn
Committee Member 4 School
Overparenting (OP) has been characterized by parental behaviors that encroach upon children’s ability to develop age-appropriate, autonomous emotional responses and behaviors. OP has been associated with poor mental health, decreased subjective well-being (SWB), and decreased emotional distress tolerance (EDT) in the emerging adult population. The present study investigated relationships between OP, EDT, emotional distress, and SWB. Additionally, the mediating role of EDT, as well as the parallel mediating roles of EDT facets (i.e., appraisal, absorption, tolerance, regulation), were assessed between OP and emotional distress, as well as SWB. Participants included 313 undergraduate psychology students from a mid-sized university in the southeastern United States. Demographic information was gathered, as well as information involving participants’ perceptions of parental involvement and self-reports of emotional distress, SWB, and EDT. In bivariate analyses, OP shared significant, negative associations with EDT, appraisal, tolerance, regulation, while reflecting a significant, positive association with emotional distress. SWB also shared significant, positive relationships with the higher-order construct of EDT, as well as distinct EDT facets, while sharing a significant, negative relationship with emotional distress within the bivariate analyses. While multivariate models did not suggest OP as a predictor of higher-order EDT or its facets, the current findings indicate that OP may be predictive of emotional distress when accounting for reported perceived parental involvement. Furthermore, the present study shows that EDT, as well as two facets of EDT (i.e., appraisal, absorption), may predict emotional distress and SWB when accounting for perceived parental involvement.
2019, Christopher M. Perez
Recommended Citation
Perez, Christopher M., "Overparenting, Emotional Distress, and Subjective Well-Being: Facets of Emotional Distress Tolerance as Mediators" (2019). Dissertations. 1608.