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New Records of Benthic Marine Algae from Florida
Seven species of benthic marine algae are newly reported from the Dry Tortugas, Florida. These are Halimeda hummii Ballantine (Chlorophyta), Audouinella ophioglossa Schneider, Botryocladia wynnei Ballantine, Champia vieillardii Kiitzing, Monosporus indicus Børgesen, Hypoglossum rhizophorum Ballantine et Wynne, and Rhodogorgon ramosissima Norris et Bucher (Rhodophyta). Monosporus indicus is reported for the first time from the Atlantic Ocean. The Dry Tortugas represents the northern distributional limit for the remaining species reported, except Audouinella ophioglossa and Botryocladia wynnei.
Recommended Citation
Ballantine, D. L.
New Records of Benthic Marine Algae from Florida.
Gulf of Mexico Science
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