Alternate Title
Effects of Shading and Rhizome Isolation on Soluble Carbohydrate Levels in Blades and Rhizomes of the Seagrass Syringodium filiforme
The effects of severe shading on soluble carbohydrate content of blades and rhizomes of Syringodium filiforme growing in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, were investigated. We used plants that were connected to unshaded neighbors and plants that were isolated from neighbors by severing their rhizome connections. Before shading, mean soluble carbohydrate levels ranged from 29.2 to 26.5% dry weight (dw) in the rhizomes and from 19.5 to 18.4% dw in the blades. Both shading and isolation contributed to a significant decline in soluble carbohydrate levels of blades and rhizomes, with shading eliciting the greater response. However, after 40 days, shaded-connected plants appeared to maintain more stable carbohydrate levels than shaded isolated ones.
Recommended Citation
Rey, J. R. and F. Stephens.
Effects of Shading and Rhizome Isolation on Soluble Carbohydrate Levels in Blades and Rhizomes of the Seagrass Syringodium filiforme.
Gulf of Mexico Science
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