Alternate Title
Fishes of the Nearshore Zone of St. Andrew Bay, Florida and Adjacent Coast
The catch of fish by beach seine at 17 stations in the nearshore zone of St. Andrew Bay and adjacent coast during 1974 and 1975 was studied. A total of 99,579 individuals representing 88 species and 41 families was collected. The bay system and adjacent coast were divided into four areas based upon salinity, turbidity, amount of attached vegetation, and bottom type. The central bay (Area I) had the largest catches by weight (211.3 kg), number of individuals (52,322), standing crop (37.5 kg/ha) and species (61). This area was dominated by four species (Menidia beryllina, Lagodon rhomboides, Eucinostomus argenteus and Leiostomus xanthurus), which made up 94.5% of the total catch. The upper bays (Area II) had the second highest catches (34,665), second highest standing crop (23.4 kg/ha), second highest catches by weight (115.5 kg), and second highest number of species (52). Five species (M. beryllina, Fundulus similis, L. xanthurus, Lucania parva, and Cyprinodon variegatus) comprised 75.7% of the collections from this area. Upper North Bay (Area III) had lower catches (3,002), lower catches by weight (17.4 kg), and lower standing crop (17.6 kg/ha) than Area II. Area III had the least number of species (25) and the area was dominated by three species (E. argenteus, M. beryllina, and F. similis), which accounted for 76.2% of the total catch for this area. The gulf beach stations (Area IV) had the lowest catches (1,918), second lowest catches by weight (37 kg), and lowest standing crop (7.5 kg/ha). A total of 44 species was reported from this area. Area IV was dominated by one species (Harengula jaguana), which made up 66.1% of the total from these stations.
Recommended Citation
Naughton, S. P. and C. H. Saloman.
Fishes of the Nearshore Zone of St. Andrew Bay, Florida and Adjacent Coast.
Northeast Gulf Science
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