TEMPLATE 1 - Arial 12 pt. (Use only after reading the Guidelines/Instructions)

Reviewer Graduate School, University of Southern Mississippi


Template 1 - Arial 12 pt.

DO NOT begin using this template until you have read the USM Guidelines in full - found in Step 2 (.pdf file) of this website.

It will be well worth your time to fully read the instructions in the Guidelines before using the template, as the template can be broken if used incorrectly.

There are instructional videos below the Guidelines that should be used in conjunction with the Guidelines (not instead of the Guidelines).

CONTACT THE REVIEWER for help using the template. A template lesson can be scheduled for an in-person session or the Reviewer can initiate screen share.

If you need to include Schemes or Musical Examples in your document - see Template 4. It is identical to Template 1, except for the inclusion of styles for Schemes and Musical Examples.