Date of Award

Spring 5-2018

Degree Type

Honors College Thesis


Criminal Justice

First Advisor

Dean Bertram

Advisor Department

Criminal Justice


Numerous terrorist groups in the Middle East have been recently making detonators for IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) using items as basic as flip flops. Because of the semi-porous nature of flip flops, military forensic response teams have been unable to find an effective method through which they can identify, process, and lift latent fingerprints from the surface of a flip flop. The present study aims to use three fingerprint principles to formulate a reliable method that can be used for such purposes. This study specifically investigated the potential use of powders and cyanoacrylate fuming as processing techniques. The case study method was used in this project to evaluate how a change in one variable might alter a subsequent next test, and thus hopefully achieve a better outcome than before. After testing each case, the most reliable method was found to be black magnetic powder. For future testing, further studies should use fluorescent powders, ninhydrin, and the Rough Lift gel.
