The Journal of Health Ethics is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that addresses and considers articles on ethical health related issues and the understanding of all aspects of public health.
All articles published by The Journal of Health Ethics are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Additionally, authors of articles published in The Journal of Health Ethics are the copyright holders of their articles.
JHE is now accepting submissions for Volume 20. See the Call for Papers for more information.
Current Issue: Volume 20, Issue 1 (2024)
Front Matter
Late Have I Loved Thee: Reintroducing the Journal of Health Ethics Twenty Years Later
Peter A. DePergola II
Advances in Biomedical Research and Treatments: What is Acceptable?
Michael L. Clancy, Khalid M. Iskandarani, and Mitchell C. McCrea
Ethical Requirements for Achieving Fairness in Radiology Machine Learning: An Intersectionality and Social Embeddedness Approach
Dessislava S. Fessenko
Exploring ChatGPT’s Clinical Ethics Ability: A pilot study
Daniel Jenkins, Christian Vercler, Andrew Barnosky, and Janice Firn