

The state of Mississippi continues to experience a disproportionate occurrence of asthma among its citizens and various associated socioeconomic impacts. The objective of this study seeks to gauge the perception of the participants in regards to this asthma disparity. Specifically, research questions seek responses to following: 1) Will mandated, systematic reporting of asthma occurrences among socioeconomically disadvantaged communities effectively address the asthma disparity and lead to a better quality of life? and 2) Will mandated, systematic reporting of asthma increase the socioeconomic impact among these communities? This cross-sectional study employs a case study methodology utilizing various research techniques, i.e. interviews, surveys, and statistical data reports. Overall, for each question presented, the participants’ responses indicate, significantly and positively, 1) Mandated, systematic reporting of asthma reporting should be implemented, and 2) This mandate can lead to a decrease in asthma disparity and result in a better quality of life among these communities.



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