Status, Distribution, and Length-Frequency for the Frecklebelly Madtom (Notorus munitus) In the Tombigbee River Drainage In Mississippi
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Biological Sciences
Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences
Noturus munitus (Frecklebelly Madtom) is a gravel-shoal habitat specialist found in the Pearl and Mobile river drainages. Recently, the species was petitioned for federal listing, which required an evaluation of the range of the species. Therefore, we assessed the status of Frecklebelly Madtom in tributaries of the Tombigbee River in Mississippi as recent surveys are lacking. We collected Frecklebelly Madtom at 41 out of 51 sites among 3 major tributaries using a backpack electrofisher and kick-setting into a seine with an additional chain on the lead line during low flow. However, none were collected in Bull Mountain Creek. A better understanding of the connectivity among remaining populations is needed to inform future conservation efforts.
Recommended Citation
Haden, Langston L. and Wagner, Matthew D., "Status, Distribution, and Length-Frequency for the Frecklebelly Madtom (Notorus munitus) In the Tombigbee River Drainage In Mississippi" (2021). Student Publications. 54.