Anthropology & Sociology Faculty Publications | School of Social Science and Global Studies | The University of Southern Mississippi


Submissions from 2023


Legacies of Resistance and Resilience: Antebellum Free African Americans and Contemporary Minority Social Control In the Northeast, Matthew Ward

Submissions from 2022


Meningiomas in Ancient Human Populations, Della Collins Cook and Marie Elaine Danforth


Enduring Consequences of Dehumanizing Institutions: Slavery and Contemporary Minority Social Control in the U.S. Northeast and South, Matthew Ward


Enduring Consequences of Dehumanizing Institutions: Slavery and Contemporary Minority Social Control in the US Northeast and South, Matthew Ward

Submissions from 2021


Sulfur Isotopes As a Proxy for Human Diet and Mobility From the Preclassic Through Colonial Periods In the Eastern Maya Lowlands, Claire E. Ebert, Asta J. Rand, Kirsten Green Mink, Julie A. Hoggarth, Carolyn Freiwald, Jaime J. Awe, Willa R. Trask, Jason Yaeger, M. Kathryn Brown, Christophe Helmke, Rafael A. Guerra, Marie Danforth, and Douglas J. Kennett

Submissions from 2020


“Toxic” Schools? How School Exposures During Adolescence Influence Trajectories of Health Through Young Adulthood, Courtney E. Boen, Karen Kozlowski, and Karolyn D. Tyson


Pole Sports: Considering Stigma, Dana Fennell


Socioeconomic Inequality In Decoding Instructions and Demonstrating Knowledge, Karen P. Kozlowski


Colonial Urbanism: A Comparative Exploration of Skeletal Stress in Two Eighteenth Century North American French Colonies, Amy B. Scott, Marie Danforth, Sarah MacInnes, Nicole Hughes, and Mattia Fonzo

Submissions from 2019


Review of: Age Estimation: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Marie Elaine Danforth


Understanding Teacher Pay for Performance: Flawed Assumptions and Disappointing Results, Karen Phelan Kozlowski and Douglas Lee Lauen


Book Review: Seeking Rights From the Left: Gender, Sexuality, and the Latin American Pink Tide Edited by Elisabeth Jay Friedman, Matthew Ward


A Neolithic Sign System In Southeastern Europe, Shan M.M. Winn


Digital Modeling for Bioarchaeologists, Gabriel D. Wrobel, Jack A. Biggs, and Amy L. Hair

Submissions from 2018


Pole Studios as Spaces Between the Adult Entertainment, Art, Fitness and Sporting Fields, Dana Fennell


Only Mexicans There: The Nation as Inequality Regime and Methodological Nationalism in Migration Studies, Bridget Hayden


Agency and Resilience Along the Arizona-Sonora Border: How Unauthorized Migrants Become Aware of and Resist Contemporary U.S. Nativist Mobilization, Daniel E. Martínez and Matthew Ward


Small Projectile Points of Petén: Resources, Production, and Interpolity Variability, Nathan J. Meissner


Patron Gods and Patron Lords: The Semiotics of Classic Maya Community Cults. Joanne P. Baron. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2016, 208 pp. $52.00, cloth. ISBN 978-1-60732-517-8, Nathan J. Meissner


Zacpeten Structure 719: Activities at a Contact Period Popol Nah Before Rapid Abandonment, Prudence M. Rice, Arianne Boileau, Leslie G. Cecil, Susan D. deFrance, Carolyn Freiwald, Nathan J. Meissner, Timothy W. Pugh, Don S. Rice, and Matthew P. Yacubic

Submissions from 2017


A Glimpse of the Ancien Régime In the French Colonies?: A Consideration of Ancestry and Health At the Moran Site (22HR511), Biloxi, Mississippi, Marie Elaine Danforth, Danielle N. Cook, J. Lynn Funkhouser, Barbara T. Hester, and Heather Guzik


From Middens to Modern Estuaries, Oyster Shells Sequester Source-Specific Nitrogen, Elizabeth S. Darrow, Ruth H. Carmichael, C. Fred T. Andrus, and H. Edwin Jackson


Living On the Edge: Maya Identity and Skeletal Biology On the Spanish Frontier, Amanda R. Harvey, Marie Elaine Danforth, and Mark N. Cohen


Bioarchaeology and Social Complexity: Departing Reflections and Future Directions, Haagen D. Klaus, Mark N. Cohen, Marie Elaine Danforth, and Amanda R. Harvey


A Social Network Analysis of the Postclassic Lowland Maya Obsidian Projectile Industry, Nathan J. Meissner


Seeing Race: Teaching Residential Segregation with the Racial Dot Map, Charles Seguin, Annette Nierobisz, and Karen P. Kozlowski

Submissions from 2016


Justice Standard Determines Emotional Responses to Over-Reward, Jody Clay-Warner, Dawn T. Robinson, Lynn Smith-Lovin, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Katie R. James


The United States-Mexican War Soldiers of Greenwood Island, Mississippi: An Historical, Archaeological, and Bioarchaeological Analysis, Marie E. Danforth, Jennifer Lynn Funkhouser, and D.C. Martin


Domestic and Ritual Meals In the Moundville Chiefdom, H. Edwin Jackson, C. Margaret Scarry, and Susan Scott


Late Prehistoric Social Practice In the Rural Black Warrior River Valley, John F. Scarry, H. Edwin Jackson, and Mintcy D. Maxham


Opportunity, Resources, and Threat: Explaining Local Nativist Organizing in the United States, Matthew Ward


Rethinking Social Movement Micromobilization: Multi-Stage Theory and the Role of Social Ties, Matthew Ward

Submissions from 2015


If Anyone Hears This: Confronting Discourses of Immigration in South Mississippi, Bridget Hayden


Who Counts in the Census? Racial and Ethnic Categories in France, Marie des Neiges Léonard


Know Your Enemy: How Repatriated Unauthorized Migrants Learn About and Perceive Anti-Immigrant Mobilization in the United States, Daniel E. Martinez and Matthew Ward


"It's Like Being In Church and Being On a Field Trip:" The Date Versus Party Situation In College Students' Accounts of Hooking Up, Julie A. Reid, Gretchen R. Webber, and Sinikka Elliott


Social Movement Micromobilization, Matthew Ward


Know Your Enemy: How Repatriated Unauthorized Migrants Learn About and Perceive Anti-Immigrant Mobilization In the United States, Matthew Ward and Daniel E. Martínez

Submissions from 2014


Theorizing Complementary and Alternative Medicines: Wellbeing, Self, Gender, Class, Dana Fennell


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in the Media, Dana Fennell and Michael Boyd


Contrasting Visions of Nature and Landscapes, Jeffrey C. Kaufmann


Cross-Valley Communities: Identity and Interaction In Early Postclassic Period Highland Chiapas, Elizabeth H. Paris


They Say Bad Things Come in Threes: How Economic, Political and Cultural Shifts Facilitated Contemporary Anti‐Immigration Activism in the United States, Matthew Ward

Submissions from 2013


Patterns of Interobserver Error in the Scoring of Entheseal Changes, C. B. Davis, K. A. Shuler, Marie Elaine Danforth, and K. E. Herndon


Consuming Anime, Dana Fennell, Ana S.Q. Liberato, Bridget Hayden, and Yuko Fujino


News from the Northern New France: A Pathological Assessment from the 18th Century French Military and Trading Post Fort Michilimackinac, J. Lynn Funkhouser and Marie Elaine Danforth


Bioarchaeological Analysis of Oak View Landing (40DR1): An Archaic Population in the Kentucky Lake Reservoir, Katy D. Grant


Determination of Ancestry in Historical Skeletal Populations: Two Case Studies from French Colonial Sites in the US, Heather Guzik, Marie Elaine Danforth, Danielle N. Cook, and Tyler Cargill


Forest and Labor in Madagascar: From Colonial Concession to Global Biosphere, Jeffrey C. Kaufmann


Metallurgical Ceramics from Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico, Jennifer L. Meanwell, Elizabeth H. Paris, Wilberth Cruz Alvarado, and Carlos Peraza Lope


Gender and Multigenerational Global Human Development, Julie A. Reid and Tahseen Shams


Mobilising ‘Minutemen’: Predicting Public Support for Anti-Immigration Activism in the United States, Matthew Ward

Submissions from 2012


New Research on the Colonial Period Maya Cemetery at Tipu, Belize, Mark N. Cohen, Marie E. Danforth, Nancy Elwess, and Justin Sabino


La Fin du Voyage: The French Colonial Experience in the Americas, Danielle N. Cook, J. Lynn Funkhouser, Marie E. Danforth, and Barbara T. Hester


Measuring Up: The Analysis of Postcranial Traits for the Assessment of Biological Distance Among Temporally Distinct New World Populations of African Descent, Claire M. Dansereau


Let's Get Real About MSMs: Reliability in Scoring Techniques, C. Brady Davis, Kristrina Shuler, Marie E. Danforth, and Kelsey Herndon


Explorations of Silence in the Religious Rituals of Buddhists and Quakers, Dana Fennell


A Three Year Study of the Nonprofit Sector’s Response to the Economic Challenges in Six Cities Across the Nation, Julianna Glassman, Norman A. Dulch, Ann Marie Kinnell, Stephanie Krick, Regan Harwell Schaffer, SueAnn Storm, and Amy Costliow


The Dog Days of Stress: A Comparison of Methods for Determining Age at Occurrence of Enamel Hypoplasias., Amanda R. Harvey


Obamania In Europe, Marie des Neiges Léonard


On the Margins of the Periphery: Unassisted Childbirth and the Management of Layered Stigma, Amy Chasteen Miller


Women's Childbirth Preferences and Practices in the United States, Amy Chasteen Miller and Thomas E. Shriver


Upper Limb Entheseal Change With the Transition to Agriculture in the Southeastern United States: A View from Moundville and the Central Tombigbee River Valley, K.A. Shuler, P. Zeng, and Marie E. Danforth


In the Shadow of Moundville: A Bioarchaeological View of the Transition to Agriculture in the Central Tombigbee Valley of Alabama and Mississippi, Kristina A. Shuler, Shannon C. Hodge, Marie E. Danforth, J. Lynn Funkhouser, Christina Stantis, Danielle N. Cook, and Peng Zeng

Submissions from 2011


Faith, Family and Teen Dating: Examining the Effects of Personal and Household Religiosity on Adolescent Romantic Relationships, John P. Bartowski, Xiaohe Xu, and Kristi M. Fondren


Challenges in Approaches to Skeletal Stature Estimation: An Example From Prehistoric Eastern Mississippi/Western Alabama, Marie E. Danforth, Kristrina Shuler, and Jeffrey Auerbach


Consequences of Contact: Evaluation of Health Patterns Using Enamel Hypoplasias Among the Colonial Maya of Tipu, Amanda R. Harvey


Temporal Patterning Within the Tipu Cemetery Based on Fluorideion Electrode Analysis: Demographic and Health Implications, Nicole Musselwhite


Casual Hookups to Formal Dates: Refining the Boundaries of the Sexual Double Standard, Julie A. Reid, Sinikka Elliott, and Gretchen R. Webber

Submissions from 2010


The Paleopathology of a French Colonial Cemetery on the Mississippi Gulfcoast, J. Lynn Funkhouser and Marie E. Danforth


Impeach the Traitors: Citizenship, Sovereignty and Nation in Immigrant Control Activism in the United States, Bridget Hayden


The Hand of God: Capitalism, Inequality, and Moral Geographies in Mississippi After Hurricane Katrina, Bridget Hayden


Osteological Indicators of Health and Nutritional Along the Central Tombigbee River in Eastern Mississippi, Kristrina Shuler, Christina Breeden, and Danielle Cook

Submissions from 2009


Engaging a Spirit From the East: Asian American Christians and Civic Life, Stephen M. Cherry


Voices from the Past: An Analysis of Ancestry of a French Colonial Cemetery in Biloxi, Mississippi, D. N. Cook


Juvenile Age Estimation Using Diaphyseal Long Bone Lengths Among Ancient Maya Populations, Marie E. Danforth, Gabriel D. Wrobel, Carla W. Armstrong, and David Swanson


Marketing Science: The Corporate Faces of Genetic Engineering, Dana Fennell


Definitions and Patterns of CAM Use by the Lay Public, Dana Fennell, Ana S.Q. Liberato, and Barbara Zsembick


Displacing the Subject: A Dialogical Understanding of the Researching Self, Bridget Hayden


An Analysis of Secular Change in the Human Mandible over the Last Century, D.C. Martin and Marie E. Danforth

Submissions from 2008


Tatham Mound and the Bioarchaeology of European Contact: Disease and Depopulation in Central Gulf Coast Florida, Marie E. Danforth


An Evaluation of Determination of Handedness Using Standard Osteological Measurements, Marie E. Danforth and Andrew Thompson


Daily Life in French Colonial Louisiana: Combining Bioarchaeology of the Moran Site (22HR511) and Ethnohistory of the French Colonial Gulf Coast, T. D. Hensley


I Still Remember America: Senior African-Americans Talk About Segregation, Ana S.Q. Liberato, Dana Fennell, and William L. Jeffries IV


Analysis of Secular Change in the Mandible, D. C. Martin and Marie E. Danforth


Bioarchaeology of the Early Contact Period Oliver Site (22CO503), Coahoma County, Mississippi, A. Thompson

Submissions from 2007


Like a Natural Woman: Negotiating Collective Gender Identity in an Alternative World, Amy Chasteen Miller


Learning to Live With OCD: Labeling, The Self, and Stigma, Dana Fennell and Ana S.Q. Liberato


Challenges of Collecting Survey Data on the Mississippi Gulf Coast After Hurricane Katrina: An In-Depth Interview Study of Survey Team Members, Ann Marie Kinnell and Kristen Dellinger


Gender and Well-Being in the Dominican Republic: The Impact of Free Trade Zone Employment and Female Headship, Ana S.Q. Liberato and Dana Fennell


Assessing Katrina's Demographic and Social Impacts On the Mississippi Gulf Coast, David A. Swanson, Rich Forgette, Mark van Boening, Cliff Holley, and Ann Marie Kinnell

Submissions from 2006


What's in a Name? The Nature of the Individual in Refugee Studies, Bridget Hayden


Gender Differences in the Relative Age Effect Among US Olympic Development Program Youth Soccer Players, John Vincent and Francis D. Glamser

Submissions from 2005


The Effect of Extracurricular Activities in the Educational Process: Influence on Academic Outcomes?, H. David Hunt


Watson Brake, A Middle Archaic Mound Complex in Northeast Louisiana, Joe W. Saunders, Rolfe D. Mandel, C. Garth Sampson, Charles M. Allen, E. Thurman Allen, Daniel A. Bush, James K. Feathers, Kristen J. Gremillion, C.T. Hallmark, H. Edwin Jackson, Jay K. Johnson, Reca Jones, Roger T. Saucier, Gary L. Stringer, and Malcolm F. Vidrine

Submissions from 2004


Funked Up and Yowza: A Study of Descriptive Terms Used in the Evaluation of Infectious Lesions, K. P. Jacobi, Marie E. Danforth, and G.D. Wrobel


Prickly Pear Cactus and Pastoralism in Southwest Madagascar, Jeffrey C. Kaufmann


William Hunt Davenport (1922-2004) - Obituary, Stuart Kirsch, James G. Flanagan, and William W. Donner


The Beginning and Future of African American Archaeology in Mississippi, Amy L. Young

Submissions from 2003


The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere, Marie E. Danforth