2023 Children's Book Festival Prerecorded Sessions
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Library and Information Science
Puppets can be a powerful tool to use in storytimes to model and encourage the development of social-emotional skills. Several important social-emotional skills are: listening, pretending, self-control, sharing, confidence, self-expression, and cooperation. Different kinds of puppets can be used in your storytimes to teach, model, and practice these important skills. Puppets can play a role in helping young children develop their listening skills by capturing their attention, encourage children to pretend and explore self-expression. Children need to learn the skill of recognizing and identifying emotions in themselves and others. All this increases a child's experiences with self-control, which gives them the tools and confidence they need to meet challenges in school and life. Stick and finger puppets are easy kinds of puppets to use and children can use them to represent themselves and self-talk. Having puppet theaters is an excellent way to allow children the space and opportunity to share and retelling is a great way to increase a child's confidence. A glove puppet is a fun way to give children a chance to demonstrate a skill, story, or skill they are learning with the grace to make mistakes. The puppet can act as an extension of the child while putting some distance between the child and the emotions. Self-made puppets are a great way to allow children to express themselves. The act of cooperating to make puppets in a group can help children become more integrated into the group community. Then putting on a puppet show as a group provides a second level of cooperation for the members of the group.
Recommended Citation
Montgomery, Lana, "Puppets with Purpose: Using Puppets to Enhance Early Literacy Storytimes" (2023). 2023 Children's Book Festival Prerecorded Sessions. 11.