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Tuesday, August 25th
6:00 PM

"Sunzi's (Sun-tzu's) Art of War: What We Think It Means and What the Chinese Think It Means"

Peter Lorge, Vanderbilt University

LAB 102

6:00 PM

Tuesday, September 1st
6:00 PM

"China's Romance of the Korean War: Heroism, Sacrifice and Political Propaganda"

Pingchao Zhu, University of Idaho

LAB 102

6:00 PM

Tuesday, September 8th
6:00 PM

"From the Clutches of Bandits into the Mouths of Tigers: Ordinary People in the Ming-Qing Transition in China"

Kenneth M. Swope, University of Southern Mississippi

LAB 102

6:00 PM

Tuesday, September 15th
6:00 PM

"Vietnam: A War in Search of a Strategy"

Col. Wayde Benson, USMC (ret.)

LAB 102

6:00 PM