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Thursday, September 27th
6:00 PM

"Spies, Lies and Citizenship: The Hunt for Nazi Criminals"

Mary Kathryn Barbier, Mississippi State University

LAB 101

6:00 PM

Tuesday, January 29th
6:00 PM

"The Worlds of James Bond"

Jeremy Black, University of Exeter

LAB 108

6:00 PM

Tuesday, February 12th
6:00 PM

"Those Very Gallant Women: Gender and Espionage in World War II Europe"

Allison Abra, University of Southern Mississippi

LAB 101

6:00 PM

Tuesday, February 26th
6:00 PM

"Perfect Spy: The Incredible Double Life of Pham Xuan An, Time Magazine Reporter and Vietnamese Communist Agent"

Larry Berman, University of California, Davis

LAB 101

6:00 PM