Date of Award

Spring 5-2009

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Committee Chair

Katherine Nugent

Committee Chair Department


Committee Member 2

Mary McNeese

Committee Member 3

James T. Johnson

Committee Member 4

Bonnie L. Harbaugh

Committee Member 5

Patsy Anderson

Committee Member 6

Deborah Garbee


This study of nurse faculty examined the relationship of role conflict, role ambiguity, and work role balance, and their influence on job satisfaction and intent to stay in AACN nursing schools offering baccalaureate and higher degree programs within the United States. In light of the current nursing and nursing faculty shortage, this research was undertaken in an attempt to identify statistically significant predictors of job satisfaction and intent to stay in nursing education.

An online survey was conducted over seven weeks during the fall of 2008 and early spring 2009. A stratified random sample of each of the four regions within the AACN schools of nursing with 16 or more full-time faculty having baccalaureate and higher degree programs of study resulted in 22 nursing schools. The Role Questionnaire (Rizzo, House, & Lirtzman, 1970) was used to measure role conflict and role ambiguity and the Abridged Job Descriptive Index (Stanton, Sinar, Balzar, Julian, Thorenson, Aziz et al., 2001) and Abridged Job In General Scale (Stanton, Sinar, Balzar, & Smith, 2002) were used to measure job satisfaction. Researcher revised Work Role Balance was used to determine the faculty's perception of role balance. Demographic data were collected using a researcher developed survey. A researcher revision of Price's Intent to Stay Scale was used to measure faculty intent to stay at their current job and present university (Garbee, 2006; Kosmoski & Calkin, 1986; Price & Mueller, 1981; Yoder, 1995). All instruments were combined into one survey.

There were a total of 243 responses from 923 potential participants for a response rate of 26%. Regression results showed that the linear combination of role conflict, role ambiguity and work role balance significantly predicted job satisfaction (R = .393, F (5,160) =20.74,/X.05) and intent to stay (R2 = .083, F (5,161) =2.93, /?<.05). Findings suggested nurse faculty perceived role conflict, role ambiguity and work role balance impacted their job satisfaction and intent to stay at their current institution. Pearson's correlation revealed significant moderately strong relationship existed between overall job satisfaction^ =.376,p <.05) and overall intent to stay.

In relationship to whether a significant difference existed between job satisfaction and intent to stay based on length of contract, years of service and rank, findings revealed no significant 3-way or 2-way interactions. However, the multivariate test indicated the main effect, rank, was significant for the dependent variable job satisfaction - Pillai's Trace = .07, F (6, 396) = 2.55, p =.02. Tukey HSD Post hoc comparisons for rank and job satisfaction were then performed to determine among which academic ranks the significant differences existed. Those holding the rank of Professor were the least satisfied, while the Assistant Professors indicated the highest level of job satisfaction.
