"Development of the CASVE Cycle Questionnaire: Confirmatory Factor Anal" by Brianna Werner

Date of Award

Summer 2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Committee Chair

Emily Bullock-Yowell

Committee Chair School


Committee Member 2

Eric Dahlen

Committee Member 2 School


Committee Member 3

Richard Mohn

Committee Member 3 School


Committee Member 4

Melanie Leuty

Committee Member 4 School



A new career decision-making status measure, the CASVE Cycle Questionnaire (CASVE-CQ), grounded in Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) theory, was created as an assessment of the CASVE decision-making cycle, one of the major components of CIP theory. One purpose of the CASVE-CQ is to determine an individual’s standing among the CASVE cycle phases given how many career decision-making tasks he/she has completed. Six factors, which assess the five phases, with initial and final communication scales, were previously established (Werner, 2017). Therefore, the present study focused on the revision of items, development of new items, an exploratory factor analysis, two confirmatory factor analyses, and the analysis of three potential scoring methods for the Navigator Score to determine the best scoring procedure and meaningful interpretation of items. The exploratory factor analysis suggested a six-factor structure, with 42 items, measuring the five phases of the CASVE cycle. After two confirmatory factor analyses, including revised items in the Analysis and Synthesis scales after the first confirmatory factor analysis, a stable six-factor structure was confirmed. The use of a total score of the CASVE-CQ was not supported; however, the Navigator Score categorizes Ideal and Non-Ideal Navigators of the CASVE cycle based on completing at least 2 items (25%) in each phase and in phase order or indicating prerequisite phase completion. Practical implications of the CASVE-CQ and directions for future research are discussed.
