Date of Award

Spring 2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Social Science and Global Studies

Committee Chair

Edward Sayre, PhD

Committee Chair School

Social Science and Global Studies

Committee Member 2

Robert Pauly, PhD

Committee Member 2 School

Social Science and Global Studies

Committee Member 3

Joseph St. Marie, PhD

Committee Member 3 School

Social Science and Global Studies

Committee Member 4

Hadise Tavana, PhD

Committee Member 4 School

Social Science and Global Studies


This dissertation will contribute to the research on international trade in health services through the analyses of three distinct but related topics within international trade in health services. We recognize that different countries have varying health system structures and that advances in transportation and communication have enabled individuals to seek care outside of their home country, allowed countries to invest in foreign health systems and created a market whereby US health systems are promoting their services abroad. However, we don’t know which factors influence individuals, countries and institutions in seeking services and trade partners in the healthcare sector. This dissertation adds to the literature by bringing together the different Modes of trade in health services, using a new data source on FDI; and qualitatively assessing patterns of trade in health services between major US health systems and other countries.
