Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences

Committee Chair

Brian Kreiser

Committee Chair School

Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences

Committee Member 2

Carl Qualls

Committee Member 2 School

Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences

Committee Member 3

Jacob Schaefer

Committee Member 3 School

Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences

Committee Member 4

Michael Davis

Committee Member 4 School

Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences


Iguanidae (iguanas) and Gekkonidae (geckos) represent approximately 17% of extant lizard species, with Iguanidae being one of the smallest families and Gekkonidae being one of the largest families within Squamata. These two families of lizards cover a diverse array of life history traits, habitats, and size; represented by large, long-lived iguanas found primarily in the New World to small, rapidly reproducing geckos that are globally distributed. Both families include endangered species that are of great conservation concern with rapidly declining populations and invasive species that are swiftly spreading outside of their native ranges.

This dissertation focuses on one pair of endangered Rock Iguanas, the Ricord’s Rock iguana, Cyclura ricordii and the Rhinoceros Iguana, Cyclura cornuta, and one species of undescribed non-native House Gecko, Hemidactylus cf. malcolmsmithi. These three species represent opposite ends of the management and research spectrum: with the goal of conservation for the endemic Cyclura and the goal of preventing the spread of non-native Hemidactylus. The first two chapters of this dissertation focus on the systematic trapping and burrow ecology of Cyclura ricordii and Cyclura cornuta south of Lago Enriquillo in the Dominican Republic. The third chapter investigates the distributions and origins of Hemidactlyus cf. malcolmsmithi across the southern United States using molecular (i.e. mitochondrial) techniques.

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