Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Polymer Science and Engineering

Committee Chair

Dr. Xiaodan Gu

Committee Chair School

Polymer Science and Engineering

Committee Member 2

Dr. Derek L. Patton

Committee Member 2 School

Polymer Science and Engineering

Committee Member 3

Dr. Sarah E. Morgan

Committee Member 3 School

Polymer Science and Engineering

Committee Member 4

Dr. Zhe Qiang

Committee Member 4 School

Polymer Science and Engineering

Committee Member 5

Dr. Yoan C. Simon


High efficiency photon upconversion via triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA-UC) is challenging to achieve in glassy materials due to hindered mobility of the upconverting chromophores and increased back Förster resonance energy transfer (back-FRET) to the triplet sensitizer at the chromophore concentrations necessary to facilitate sensitizer- annihilator energy transfers. In this dissertation, we demonstrate how to prevent back- FRET to the sensitizer by decoupling the annihilation and emission mechanism through the introduction of a third highly emissive singlet sink: 9-phenyl-10-(p-tolylethynyl)- anthracene (PTEA). The addition of PTEA dramatically improves the overall upconversion quantum yield (out of 50%) from 2.7% to 5% for compression-molded PMMA films containing a platinum (II) octaethylporphyrin (PtOEP) sensitizer and a 9,10- diphenylanthracene (DPA) annihilator. We then illustrate that by covalently tethering DPA and PTEA to the polymer backbone we can increase the practical chromophore load past the previous limits of doped systems. Acrylate-based DPA and PTEA monomers were synthesized and prepared via reversable addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT), permitting facile tunability of chromophore load and placement. Direct polymerization of these aromatic chromophores makes advanced thermal processing unnecessary for manufacturing strictly glassy upconverting films. Additionally, we demonstrate that attaching chromophores directly to the polymer chain permits facile tunability of amorphous upconverting systems through the application of a sensitizer- containing chain transfer agent with reduced aggregation tendencies - thereby permitting increased sensitizer concentrations while theoretically limiting aggregation-induced quenching and back-FRET towards the full potential of TTA-UC.

Available for download on Wednesday, May 02, 2029
