"Performing Jonathan Newman's "Symphony No. 1: My Hands Are A City"" by Joseph Corey Francis

Date of Award

Summer 8-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)



Committee Chair

Catherine Rand

Committee Chair Department


Committee Member 2

Mohamad Schuman

Committee Member 2 Department


Committee Member 3

James Standland

Committee Member 4

Daniel Beard

Committee Member 5

Christopher Goertzen


The purpose of this document is to provide analysis for interpretation of and rehearsal suggestions for Jonathan Newman’s Symphony No. 1: My Hands Are a City (2009). This document serves as the first significant scholarly work on the entire composition and is intended to be a resource for musicians seeking to gain information about the work. Included in the document is a biography of Jonathan Newman, as well as history concerning the commissioning of Symphony No. 1, a formal analysis of the work, and insight to conducting concerns. Information was gathered through formal interviews with Jonathan Newman, Jeff Gershman (Associate Director of Bands at Indiana University, and consortium head), review of literature from the Beat Generation, and communication with conductors who have rehearsed and performed the composition in part or in full.
