"Adult Community Bands and Personality Type as Defined By the Myers-Bri" by Daniel Charles Welborn

Date of Award

Fall 12-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Committee Chair

Steven Moser

Committee Chair Department


Committee Member 2

Thomas Fraschillo

Committee Member 2 Department


Committee Member 3

Jennifer Shank

Committee Member 3 Department


Committee Member 4

Chris Goertzen

Committee Member 4 Department


Committee Member 5

Joseph Brumbeloe

Committee Member 5 Department



This study uses the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to compare the personality type distribution of adult community bands in North Georgia to the type distribution of the MBTI National Representative Sample (NRS). MBTI function pair preferences of band members are also compared to factors that are suggested through prior research to be influential in individuals’ decisions to become music professionals or members of adult community bands. Participants (N=186) were assessed using the MBTI, as well as a band participation preference survey. Chi-squared analysis and multivariate analysis of variance was used for descriptive analysis. Although music educators and other music professionals comprise nearly half of the study population, evidence fails to support prior research linking the MBTI whole type ENFP to individuals who major in music or choose to participate in band. Furthermore, having majored in music or worked in a music career appears unrelated to individual function pair preference. While distributions of personality types between the study population and the NRS are statistically significant, results suggest that participation in a band program has more to do with a shared desire to learn and perform music with like-minded people than it does with similarities in personality type. Results of the current study could serve as a starting point for discussing whether or not personality type and individual participation preferences should be considered in design and curriculum development. Other suggestions for future research include conducting a longitudinal study that examines the relationship of personality type to retention and attrition rates in band programs. An additional approach could investigate the effect that personality type distribution within a music program has on the achievement level and overall success of the program.

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