Date of Award

Spring 5-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Leadership and School Counseling

Committee Chair

Rose McNeese

Committee Chair Department

Educational Leadership and School Counseling

Committee Member 2

Tammy Greer

Committee Member 2 Department


Committee Member 3

David E. Lee

Committee Member 3 Department

Educational Leadership and School Counseling

Committee Member 4

Ronald Styron

Committee Member 4 Department

Educational Leadership and School Counseling


All too often, a student’s lack of success is blamed on his or her background, and/or the parent or the parent’s educational level. Many factors such as socioeconomic conditions, student behaviors, attendance, and teacher demographics can directly or indirectly affect class environment, classroom management, interaction with students, and equal treatment of students. In addition, a teacher’s perception of students plays a vital role in the teacher’s expectations, interactions, and relationships with his or her students. The purpose of the study was twofold. First, this study investigated the relationship between teachers’ expectations of equal treatment of students, class environment, interaction with students, and classroom management as related to teacher demographics (i.e., age, race or ethnicity, years of teaching experience, grade level, and educational level). The second purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of teachers’ expectations of equal treatment of students, classroom environment, interaction with students, and classroom management related to teacher demographics (i.e., age, race or ethnicity, years of teaching experience, grade level, and educational level). The independent variables are teachers’ expectations, perceptions, and teacher demographics of age, race or ethnicity, years of teaching experience, grade level, and educational level. The dependent variables were equal treatment of students, class environment, interaction with students, and classroom management. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression analyses, and nine qualitative questions at the end of the survey were used to answer the five research questions in this study. Results revealed no unique relationship existed between teachers’ expectations and perceptions of equal treatment of students, class environment, interaction with students, and classroom management and teacher demographics (i.e., age, race or ethnicity, years of teaching experience, grade level, and educational level).
