"Narcissism and Interpersonal Relationships: Examining the Use of Proso" by Marion Tam'eca Wallace

Date of Award

Summer 8-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Committee Chair

Christopher T. Barry

Committee Chair Department


Committee Member 2

David Marcus

Committee Member 2 Department


Committee Member 3

Tammy Barry

Committee Member 3 Department


Committee Member 4

Virgil Zeigler-Hill

Committee Member 4 Department



The association between Machiavellianism and bistrategic control has been demonstrated in children and adolescents (Hawley, 2003). Machiavellianism shares several features with narcissism. The present study investigated whether adolescents with higher levels of narcissism were perceived by peers as engaging in prosocial or antisocial behaviors depending on the phase of the relationship and whether control strategies translated to peers’ ratings of likability. Forty-seven participants (43 males, 4 females) provided data for this study. Overall, individuals who reported higher levels of Machiavellianism also reported using more coercive behavior strategies. Self-reported narcissism was only associated with self-reported use of more coercive control strategies at the five-month follow-up. Furthermore, individuals who were seen as using more coercive behavior strategies were liked less, but more respected, by their peers. Therefore, although narcissism and Machiavellianism are tied to similar resource control styles, they appear to affect peer perceptions in somewhat different ways.
