Date of Award

Spring 5-2010

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Human Performance and Recreation

Committee Chair

Dennis Phillips

Committee Chair Department

Human Performance and Recreation

Committee Member 2

Gary V. Krebs

Committee Member 2 Department

Human Performance and Recreation

Committee Member 3

Linsey Blom

Committee Member 3 Department

Human Performance and Recreation

Committee Member 4

James T. Johnson


The purpose of this study was to use direct observation methods to collect evidence of pre-impact cues in a soccer penalty kick and to analyze their predictive powers in determining shot direction. The five pre-impact cues were position of the approachru n, alignmento f the hips,leano ftrunk, placemenot f non-kickingf oot, and actiono f the non-kickings idea rm.V ideo wasc ollecteda ndt hena nalyzedu singa Dartfishrn tagging panel. There were a total of fifty male high school right-footed participants.C oachesfr om areah igh schools occert eamsp rovidedt heir top penaltyk ick takerst o participatein the study.V ideo wasc ollectedo n the team'sp ractice/gamsei te from two vantage points; from the goal line and behind the penalty arch. Logistic regressiona nalysisr evealede videnceth at the pre-impacct uesw eree ffectivei n predicting shot direction, with the alignment of the hips and the trunk lean significant indicatorso f shotd irection( p<.001). Furtherc hi-squarea nalyseso f the individualp reimpactc uesr evealede achw asa significants hotd irectioni ndicator$ <.001).
