Date of Award

Fall 12-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice

Committee Chair

Dr. Nina McLain

Committee Chair School

Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice

Committee Member 2

Dr. Mary Jane Collins

Committee Member 2 School

Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice


The anesthesia apparatus checkout is a vital task an anesthesia provider should be able to perform upon entering the clinical setting. In the past, more than half of anesthesia-related deaths throughout the nation were being attributed to assessable and avoidable causes involving the anesthesia machine. Therefore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) formulated and recently revised a detailed anesthesia apparatus checkout procedure to ensure patient safety within the operating room setting. Entering the clinical arena for the first time can be quite intimidating for anesthesia students; therefore, the objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) was developed with the intention that first-year students incorporate this study tool into their study routine. The purpose of the OSCE is to provide students with the appropriate information to assess for machine malfunctions and adequately perform an anesthesia apparatus checkout that could ultimately lead to unanticipated patient injury if not performed.

The anesthesia apparatus checkout procedure OSCE was constructed and presented to The University of Southern Mississippi second and third-year SRNAs and four anesthesia faculty members, along with an anonymous evaluation survey. Twenty-five individuals contributed to the anonymous survey with all but one agreeing that the OSCE was clear and concise in delivery. The same theme applied to readiness and confidence within oneself when entering the clinical setting. All survey participants indicated that after the completion of the anesthesia apparatus checkout OSCE, everyone could adequately perform and understood each factor of the anesthesia apparatus checkout. Survey participants did not provide any additional feedback or suggestions to better improve the OSCE. Overall, it was concluded that the anesthesia apparatus checkout OSCE prepares future anesthesia providers with the confidence and knowledge needed to adequately perform the required daily routine, making their transition into the clinical arena less stressful while ensuring patient safety and positive outcomes within the operating room setting.
