"Implementing an Evidence-Based Fall Tool in Long-Term Care" by Tasha Hannah

Date of Award

Fall 2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice

Committee Chair

Dr. Carolyn Coleman

Committee Chair School

Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice

Committee Member 2

Dr. Anita Greer

Committee Member 2 School

Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice


In the elderly, falls account for one of the most common and severe issues contributing to a disability. Falls are a significant public health issue associated with increased morbidity and mortality risks. In the U. S., the falling mortality rate has grown steadily by over 30% in the past ten years (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2020).

The project aimed to educate the staff and introduce an evidence-based fall prevention program to the staff at WMCNH to reduce falls and injuries to vulnerable residents. The DNP student presented the STEADI educational session regarding elderly falls, risk factors, and prevention of falls. STEADI handouts and pamphlets were provided to the staff as a resource.

The nurses' knowledge increased in fall prevention based on the post-test scores. The TUG, STEADI algorithm, and the Stay Independent questionnaire are beneficial in screening and assessing the elderly for fall risks and risk factors. The nurse (N=8) pretest score was 81.63 with an SD of 16.10, and the posttest score was 90.88 with an SD of 12.60. The two-tailed P value equals 0.1705, t=1.52, df = 7, and CI =95%.

STEADI provides health care personnel with a guide to implementing a standardized evidence-based fall procedure in different healthcare settings. The STEADI guide helps to screen, assess, and intervene to reduce or minimize falls in the elderly (Lee, 2017). Implementing an evidence-based fall tool in long-term care allows healthcare personnel to review falls more comprehensively and holistically.
