Date of Award

Fall 2017

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Janie Butts

Committee Chair Department


Committee Member 2

Lachel Story

Committee Member 2 Department


Committee Member 3

Michong Rayborn

Committee Member 3 Department



Workplace incivility (WPI) affects many healthcare providers, including Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists. This project was an exploration of the prevalence, nature, and sources of WPI affecting CRNAs. The project’s intervention was an in-service education on WPI for CRNAs. The purposes of the project were to measure the effectiveness of the in-service education in increasing awareness of CRNAs about WPI; and to offer a practice change proposal in terms of a policy against WPI in the anesthesia department.

A Needs Assessment Survey and Demographic Data Information form were distributed from Survey Monkey to participants’ email by way of blind copy. Data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel program. Each participant completed a pre-test and a post-test on knowledge of WPI. A comparison between the pre-test and post-test mean scores was made to determine the effectiveness of the intervention.

The final sample size for the Needs Assessment was 20. On the 5-point Likert-type scale, WPI experienced by CRNAs from a variety of offenders within the anesthesia department was the highest mean score (M=3.29). WPI experienced by CNRAs from other CRNAs was the lowest mean score (M=2.49). Twelve (12) CRNAs participated in this project’s in-service session and completed a pre- and post-test on their level of knowledge of WPI. The pre-test knowledge mean score was 4.7 of 10.0 possible points; the post-test mean score was 10.0 of 10 points. These results indicated 100% of the CRNAs who participated in the in-service session increased their knowledge and awareness about WPI. This project’s findings indicated that CRNAs in the participating facility have a knowledge deficit about WPI and have experienced WPI. The WPI in-service education for this project provided noticeable clinical effects in increasing knowledge and awareness about WPI among CRNA participants.
