"A Social Network Study To Improve Collaborative Partnerships Among the" by Candace Forbes Bright, Hannah Scott et al.

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 10-5-2017


Political Science, International Development, and International Affairs


This report presents research conducted on the relationships among and attributes of members of the Southeastern Health Equity Council (SHEC, herein Council) to provide recommendations for partnerships, collaboration, and the recruitment of new members. The background, methods, results, and recommendations are outlined in detail throughout this report. Social networks are measured and defined as connections among people, organization, and/or other units. SNA is a valuable and innovative tool for recognizing strengths and weaknesses in collaborative partnerships. The evaluative study presented herein can be replicated in other councils within the Regional Health Equity Councils to improve collaborations not only among SHEC partnerships, but also the nine remaining regions as well. Among the SHEC, social networking models will be designed in an efforts to better understand partnerships, reach the desire goal to analyze partnerships among SHEC, and develop a better understanding of the broad-based constituency served by the Council for the purposes of improving collaborative partnerships.
