"Influencing Cardiovascular Health Habits in the Rural, Deep South: Res" by Laurie S. Abbott, Elizabeth H. Slate et al.

Influencing Cardiovascular Health Habits in the Rural, Deep South: Results of a Cluster Randomized Trial

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Nutrition and Food Systems


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of death among people living in the United States. Populations, especially minorities, living in the rural South are disproportionately affected by CVD and have greater CVD risk, morbidity and mortality. Culturally relevant cardiovascular health programs implemented in rural community settings can potentially reduce CVD risk and facilitate health behavior modification. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a cardiovascular health promotion intervention on the health habits of a group of rural African American adults. The study had a cluster randomized controlled trial design involving 12 rural churches that served as statistical clusters. From the churches (n = 6) randomized to the intervention group, 115 participants were enrolled, received the 6-week health program and completed pretest–posttest measures. The 114 participants from the control group churches (n = 6) did not receive the health program and completed the same pretest–posttest measures. The linear mixed model was used to compare group differences from pretest to posttest. The educational health intervention positively influenced select dietary and confidence factors that may contribute toward CVD risk reduction.

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Health Education Research





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