Advanced Technology In Motion: NIUST's AUV Fleet

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Marine Science


Ocean Science and Engineering


The National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology (NIUST) owns and operates two Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, an International Submarine Engineering built Explorer class AUV and a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution built Seabed AUV. These two AUVs have completely different operational requirements and tasks based on their physical layout and propulsion. The torpedo-shaped explorer class AUV is used for multibeam mapping and carrying third-party or experimental instrument payloads. The Seabed AUV, propelled by three independent thrusters, is used for close-up sub-sea photographic and multi-beam site investigation which takes advantage of its slow speed and maneuverability. The high resolution digital photography can be used to construct spatial photomosaicis of the target area. Both vehicles will be introduced during this talk, highlighting their operational parameters and presenting some of the data collected with each results from previous deployments of the systems. ©2009 MTS.

Publication Title

MTS/IEEE Biloxi - Marine Technology for Our Future: Global and Local Challenges, OCEANS 2009
