The Role of Architects in Design-Manufacturing-Build of Building Industry: A Case Study

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Construction and Design


The benefits of modular construction, that include addressing the shortage of labor, reducing bulks of construction waste, minimizing construction schedule delays, and providing a safer environment for workers offsite, drive the building industry toward prefabrication and industrialization. However, industrialization requires the transformation of deliveries and services to engage a "design-manufacturing-build"process in building construction. More is involved than simply making boxes in a factory and installing the modules at the jobsite. This paper focuses on the role of architects in this process particularly in obtaining the building permit and in the inspection processes. In other words, how can the architect as the master builder or "jack of all trades"facilitate the integration of needs among the multiple stakeholders? Modular construction requires a change in pre-construction phase and building inspections; not just within the design and engineering trades but also for municipality decision makers and lenders. Architects play a key role in improving the offsite construction through design leadership and coordination. They must deal with the way the building is divided into modules and how multiple authorities having jurisdiction, navigate multi-state and sometimes multinational permit delivery processes and reviews addressing the project. The research methodology is a case study of an architectural firm that has practiced modular design and construction for a decade in the northwest region of the United States. After an overview of the role of the architects in "design-manufacturing-build", this paper illustrates how the architectural firm overcame the challenges with suggestions to improve the review process for building permits and inspections.

Publication Title

Construction Research Congress 2020: Project Management and Controls, Materials, and Contracts - Selected Papers from the Construction Research Congress 2020

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