Development and Validation of a Casino Service Quality Scale: A Holistic Approach

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The primary purpose of this inquiry was to reexamine casino service quality scale development in a major U.S. gaming market. A secondary objective was to then examine this relationship with the satisfaction and loyalty constructs, as the structural connection among service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty has been established as an indicator of retention. This examination fills a research gap by investigating different service factors in casino resort operations with distinct, measurable items. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were employed in the investigation. The four casino service quality factors that emerged were gaming service, restaurant service, hotel service, and cleanliness. This model clearly deviates from previous attempts at casino service quality scale development, and we posit that the scale in this research is more actionable for managers. Our findings indicated that the second order model, CASQUAL, was directly related to customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.

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Tourism Management



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