"Bottomonium and Charmonium Spectrum From the Momentum Space Relatavist" by Shwe S. Oo, Sungwook Lee et al.

Bottomonium and Charmonium Spectrum From the Momentum Space Relatavistic Schrodinger Education

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Physics and Astronomy


Mathematics and Natural Sciences


We use the momentum-space relativistic Schrodinger equation to fit the bottomonium and charmonium mass spectra. We use the usual, linear plus Coulomb-type potentials and also linear plus Yukawa potentials besides the spin-spin and spin-orbit potentials. The singularities in the linear and Coulomb potentials in momentum space are handled by well-known subtraction methods. We will present the fitted spectra, parameters, and decay rates.

Publication Title

Fall 2022 Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
